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Tapping into Bulgaria's Tech Potential

A Strategic Approach to Recruitment

AI leading the way with launch of new research institute aiming to position Bulgaria as a destination for computer scientists and experts in the field of AI

AI leading the way with launch of new research institute aiming to position Bulgaria as a destination for computer scientists and experts in the field of AI.

Bulgaria’s technology sector has been gaining significant attention in recent years, with its promising growth and burgeoning talent pool. As recruiters flock to this vibrant market in search of top-notch professionals, it’s essential to understand the intricacies and challenges involved in tech recruitment in Bulgaria. In this article, we will explore the landscape, delve into the key factors to consider, and provide valuable insights supported by reputable sources in the industry.

Understanding Bulgaria's Tech Boom:

Bulgaria has witnessed a remarkable boom in its technology industry, fueled by a combination of factors such as government support, a skilled workforce, and a favorable business environment [1]. Industry reports indicate that the country’s tech sector has experienced exponential growth, attracting both local and international investors [2]. This surge has created numerous opportunities for recruiters, but it also presents unique challenges.

Exploring Bulgaria's Talent Pool:

Bulgaria boasts a diverse and highly skilled tech talent pool, with professionals excelling in software development, data science, cybersecurity, and more [3]. The country’s educational system, including esteemed technical universities, plays a crucial role in producing qualified graduates [4]. Additionally, a strong focus on English language proficiency among tech professionals facilitates effective communication and collaboration in multinational environments [5].

Navigating the Recruitment Landscape:

While Bulgaria’s tech sector is thriving, it is important for recruiters to approach the market strategically. Establishing partnerships with local recruitment agencies can provide valuable insights into the local job market and access to a wider pool of candidates [6]. Engaging with industry events, job fairs, and tech communities can also help establish connections and identify potential hires [7]. Furthermore, leveraging online platforms that specialize in tech recruitment can streamline the hiring process [8].

Challenges and Considerations:

Recruiters must be aware of the unique challenges associated with tech recruitment in Bulgaria. Despite the ample talent pool, fierce competition among companies can lead to a scarcity of top-tier professionals [9]. Retaining skilled employees can also be a challenge, as opportunities for career growth and competitive salaries abroad may entice them [10]. Understanding these factors can help recruiters develop effective strategies to attract and retain talent.

Bulgaria Launches AI Research Centre to Attract Science and Tech Talent

Adding to Bulgaria’s appeal as a tech hub, the government recently announced the launch of the Institute for computer science, artificial intelligence, and technology (INSAIT) in Sofia [11]. This new research institute aims to position Bulgaria as a destination for computer scientists and experts in the field of AI [11]. With substantial investments from the government, tech companies like Google, DeepMind, Amazon, and SiteGround, as well as Bulgarian entrepreneurs, INSAIT showcases the commitment to bridging the gap between science and business [11].

The establishment of INSAIT reflects the Bulgarian government’s focus on high-tech investments and attracting back the science and technology talent that the country had lost to the west [11]. With research and education programs in artificial intelligence, computer science, machine learning, computer vision, information security, and quantum computing, the institute aims to train the next generation of experts and make significant scientific discoveries [11].

Reputable Resources for Further Information:

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the Bulgarian tech recruitment landscape, it is crucial to consult trusted sources. The Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BASSCOM) offers valuable industry insights, reports, and statistics [12]. The official website of Invest Bulgaria Agency provides information about investment opportunities and the overall business environment in the country [13].


Recruiting top tech talent in Bulgaria’s booming tech sector can be a rewarding endeavor, but it requires careful navigation and understanding of the unique challenges involved. By leveraging trusted resources, establishing local partnerships with MGSDPro, and adopting strategic approaches, recruiters can maximize their chances of success. Embracing the potential of Bulgaria’s tech talent pool while acknowledging its complexities will empower recruiters to make informed decisions and secure the best talent for their organizations.

How MGSDPro Can Support:

As an expert recruitment and Employer of Record (EOR) company, MGSDPro specializes in aiding small and medium-sized businesses. We offer end-to-end recruitment solutions to help companies find highly skilled talent and streamline their hiring processes. We tailor solutions to meet the recruitment and marketing needs of organizations. Our services include providing exceptional talent through a robust selection process, offering flexible EOR services to ensure compliance with local laws, managing payroll and tax obligations, handling benefits administration, and providing guidance on employment contracts and HR documentation.

By partnering with MGSD Pro, businesses can access skilled talent, streamline their operations, and focus on driving business growth without the hassles of managing complex HR processes.


[1] Invest Bulgaria Agency - https://www.investbg.government.bg

[2] “Bulgaria’s Tech Sector Attracts Investments” - Novinite [3] “Tech Jobs in Bulgaria” - JobTonic

[4] “Bulgaria’s Top Universities for IT and Computer Science Studies” - Sofia University

[5] “English Proficiency Index” - EF Education First

[6] “Top Recruitment Agencies in Bulgaria” - Outsourcing Advisor

[7] “Tech Events in Bulgaria” - Dev.bg

[8] “Top Tech Recruitment Platforms” - CIO

[9] “Talent Shortage: A Roadblock for Bulgaria’s Tech Sector” - The Sofia Globe

[10] “Bulgarian Tech Workers Lured by Better Salaries Abroad” - Balkan Insight

[11] “Bulgaria Launches AI Research Centre to Woo Science and Tech Talent” - Florin Zubașcu

[12] Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BASSCOM) - https://www.basscom.org/

[13] Invest Bulgaria Agency - https://www.investbg.government.bg/

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